
Space station 13 races
Space station 13 races

space station 13 races

“I had a hard time understanding what Interstellar was trying to show us because they were not only traveling in space but in time, back and forth as well,” says Elphic. What the movie gets wrong and what it gets right: While much of the physics in Interstellar are fairly accurate, Elphic had issues with the traveling and the wormholes. Notable cast members: Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway, Jessica Chastain, Matt Damon, Michael Caine A NASA physicist attempts to save mankind by creating a wormhole that humankind can travel through to get somewhere more hospitable, but NASA researchers must first travel through the wormhole to decide which planet will be their new home. Plot basics: Interstellar portrays a future in which the Earth is nearly uninhabitable thanks to a global crop blight and a second Dust Bowl.

space station 13 races

“As for her travel to wherever it is she went, it was clearly physics that we really can’t describe right now, Hollywood physics, not ours - but it made for a really good story.” Gravity (2013) Arroway’s travel during the film might not be as accurate. “I suppose it’s plausible that you would have a radio contact initiated with an extraterrestrial civilization and that eventually you’d build up communication to the point that you could transmit plans back and forth,” Elphic says. What the movie gets wrong and what it gets right: While some might scoff at the premise of a film about the existence of extraterrestrials, some of the movie’s elements could be considered realistic. Notable cast members: Jodie Foster, Matthew McConaughey, James Woods Eleanor Arroway, who uses radio signals to find evidence of extraterrestrial life, before being selected to make first contact. Plot basics: Based on the science-fiction novel by astronomer Carl Sagan, Contact centers on the tale of real-life astronomer Dr. “It was really kind of like the Illiad and Odyssey with mythical characters and from that point of view, it wasn’t describing things really very accurately.” Apollo 13 (1995) “It was a fun book and a fun movie but beyond that, it really wasn’t telling a story about facts as much as it was telling a myth in some ways,” he says. What the movie gets wrong and what it gets right: Although it’s based on Wolfe’s New Journalism masterpiece, Elphic says The Right Stuff was more rooted in a heroic narrative than historical accuracy. Notable cast members: Ed Harris, Scott Glenn, Sam Shepard, Fred Ward, Dennis Quaid, and Barbara Hershey It also features the selection of the first American astronauts, known as the Mercury Seven. Plot basics: The film adaptation of Tom Wolfe’s nonfiction novel of the same name, The Right Stuff details the origins of America’s first space program, Project Mercury, which began with testing high-speed rocket aircraft after World War II at an Air Force base in Southern California.

Space station 13 races